Straight From The Ocean

Straight From The Ocean You are in a county where the entire east coast lies on the Atlantic Ocean. So why not look around the county for some great seafood? Here are two such fantastic restaurants where you can enjoy seafood to your heart’s content. Seafood Bar (Palm...

Sea Creatures Of Florida

Sea Creatures Of Florida I’m sure you have noticed that Florida seems to be surrounded by water on three sides. We are practically an island state. Looking at Florida it would seem to be the ideal sea life lover’s paradise. So, with all of this water and this warm...

Kravis Is Open To Entertain

Kravis Is Open To Entertain I’m sure many of you have seen the Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts on the corner of Okeechobee Boulevard and Tamarind Avenue in West Palm Beach. But for those few who haven’t seen Kravis Center, then you need to plan a...

Come and “Visit Palm Beach”

Come and “Visit Palm Beach” Are you looking for some excitement and adventure while you’re visiting Palm Beach County? Look no further than Visit Palm Beach. Visit Palm Beach is an expert navigator and premier provider of recreational activities, tours,...